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We Buy Cars For Cash In Uniontown, AR

Selling your damaged or old vehicle in Uniontown, Arkansas is fast and effortless with us.

Get An Offer Get An Offer In 90 Seconds Call Us Now

Our Promise

Getting your scrap car picked up isn't difficult. There are hundreds of nearby junk yards in Uniontown that will do it. Keep in mind, they often include significant fees and low offers. CarBrain wants to change that. We buy cars with a blown motor at fair quotes, and offer free ultra-fast towing. No fees. Absolutely no last minute haggling. Does not require much effort to complete. Instantly. Simple. Effortless.

We purchase vehicles fast and seamlessly. Our curated network of licensed junk car buyers allows us to pay for junk vehicles nationwide in less than 48 business hours. Receive your immediate FREE offer with just a few clicks with complimentary towing included!

Our company has thousands of customers across the country and more than a decade of experience in the market.

Getting Money For Your Junk Car With CarBrain


Simply Submit Vehicle Information

To begin getting money for your vehicle, begin by answering our instant offer form. Give us some details about your car and we'll tell you what it's worth in Uniontown, AR in 90 seconds!


Say Yes To Your Quote

After we produce the offer, you can schedule pick-up in Uniontown, AR with your associate buyer. Remember to find your keys and certified copy of the title!


Arrange Payment And Pick-Up!

Finally, wait for the towing. We work with a network of approved and licensed junk car buyers to offer FREE towing in one to two business days in Uniontown, AR. When the driver arrives, you'll get your money right then and there!

A Few Cool Things That Separate CarBrain From The Competition

Junking your vehicle with CarBrain does not require much effort to complete. CarBrain's service is by far the most hassle-free way to scrap a car with a seized motor. We pay for vehicles across the country and offer complimentary pick-up to each and every single one of our clients.

Did Your Vehicle In Uniontown, AR Stop Working? Sell It With Us — Get An Estimate Now!

Tell us some basic required details about your car with our straightforward form. You can receive an estimate in just 90 seconds!Get FREE pick-up and transfer of ownership with your estimate. We always come to you in Uniontown, Arkansas in two business days!

Will CarBrain Buy A Car If It Has A Seized Engine?

Do you have a a junk or non-working car in Uniontown, AR sitting on your property? With, you could easily junk it for money with complimentary pick-up across the country! We purchase cars with these problems:

Here Are Some Cars We've Purchased In Uniontown, AR

How Getting Rid Of Your Vehicle With CarBrain Online Works's process is straightforward. By responding a few questions relating to your car, you can receive an offer in seconds. Our offers are guaranteed and not subject to change.

And here's the fun part: planning the pick-up of the vehicle and accepting your money. At this moment, the only thing you need to do is complete the title transfer, and get a business check for the car. After the transaction happens, the towing company driver will haul away the car back to the yard. That's how easy it is.

What's The True Market Value Of A Wrecked Vehicle In Uniontown, Arkansas?

How much you can get for your damaged cars depends on many things. For example, we'll consider the exterior damage of the vehicle, its location, whether it's still good for daily use and driving, and more. So many times, the same car will be priced at a different true cash value because of different factors we consider. is a unique buyer. Our evaluation is rigorous and is based totally on the car itself to give the best possible current market value for your vehicle. Our haul times are quickly, and the entire process is simple.

What Do I Have To Offer In Arkansas To Trade In My Vehicle?

Trading in a vehicle in Arkansas is straightforward. The first step to get an estimate will be providing the vehicle identification number. After you've received your confirmed offer, the following step would be to verify ownership. This means that we will need a photo or photocopy of your title. Then wait for the towing company driver to get there, and you will get cash! Read this page to discover how to complete the title transfer properly.

I Lost My Car Title. What Can I Do?

Did you lose your car's title? Our associate buyers can guide you through the entire process of obtaining a duplicate title in Arkansas. Start by visiting the Arkansas DMV page here: Your state's DMV page. Next, pay a small fee and receive your verified copy of the title. When it arrives, upload a high resolution picture of the duplicate title to CarBrain!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is My Old Scrap Car Worth In Uniontown, AR?

The easiest way to find out what your vehicle might be worth in Uniontown is to receive an offer from There are various sums of metals left inside a scrap car that skilled car evaluators can legally recycle and extract. For instance, you can harvest, melt down and reuse aluminum, steel and even platinum from the used parts of a junk car.

How much payment you get for junking your car depends on its size and the car's present location, as different steel mills use different local market prices.

Will You Purchase My Junk Car In Uniontown, Arkansas?

To sell your salvage car in Uniontown, there are three simple steps. First, receive your cash offer from in less than 2 minutes. The next item on the list is to accept our offer — when you get a cash estimate, it is a No hassle. No haggle estimate.

There's no obligation, but we're confident we're the top choice for you. The last step is planning a date for pickup and getting your money!

When Exactly Will You Tow My Car In Uniontown, AR? Can You Get It Today?

It is not possible for to provide an exact time that a towing company driver will arrive at your address to tow your vehicle. However, you can request a one-hour warning from the service partner scheduled to pick up your car.

At times, it may be possible to have same-day or 24-hour pickups, although these aren't guaranteed. We can guarantee that your vehicle will be picked up in 24 to 48 business hours from the time you have accepted your estimate. We will come to you — ALWAYS.

How Does Towing Work? Can Someone Else Give You My Car Instead Of Me?

You do not have to worry about finding a towing company. CarBrain has service partners in Uniontown, AR that help us buy and pick up vehicles for free. We will come to you wherever you are.

All you need to do to complete the sale is hand the tow truck driver the keys to your car and verified copy of the title, and you'll get paid right then and there.

Can't be there when the driver arrives? Any adult 18 years of age or older can complete the transfer for you. Just let your customer service representative know, and we'll mail the check directly to you instead.

Is CarBrain Safe To Use? has over a decade of experience and thousands of positive reviews on, Google,, the Better Business Bureau and more. will send you a Bill of Sale by email after picking up your car documenting that ownership of the vehicle has been transferred to us or our service partners. Following the transfer of ownership, you will no longer be legally accountable for what happens to the car.