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What Is A Branded Title On A Car?

At its simplest, the definition of a branded title on a car is a vehicle that was involved in an incident that required the insurance company to get involved.

Regardless of whether or not repairs were done professionally and the car is roadworthy again, the insurance company will still assign a branded title to it.

Types Of Title Brandings

  1. Lemon Title Brand

    Throughout the majority of the states, there are laws that enable customers to return vehicles that suffer from intense defectiveness.

    These are “lemon laws” and they are in place to provide protection for consumers who have bought products that are poorly made.Lemon laws clearly identify what qualifies a car to be deemed a “lemon.” These laws, however, differ across each state; a car that’s a lemon in one state may not reach the threshold for being a lemon in another.

    Utilizing lemon laws for protection results in the lemon brand being placed on the car’s title.

  2. Odometer Rollback Title Brand

    Mileage is one of the largest contributing factors to a car’s value. Some sellers will engage in the dishonest practice of altering the odometer reading in order to try to increase the value of their car.

  3. This practice is known as odometer rollback and is illegal.

    While difficult to detect, odometer rollback can be discovered by a mechanic. After discovery, the vehicle earns an odometer rollback title brand.

  4. Salvage Title Brand

    Vehicles that are dealt significant damage may often require repairs that are more expensive than the vehicle’s fair market value. The vehicle’s insurance provider will often declare the vehicle to be a total loss (aka totaled car).

  5. In these instances, they are issued a salvage title — which isn’t a reason to refuse to purchase a vehicle outright, but worth taking into consideration.

  6. Rebuilt Title Brand

    A vehicle can be issued a rebuilt title brand after it has received a total loss declaration by the insurance company and/or been given a salvage title, but is then repaired.

    Rebuilt titles can be incredible money saves, but come with their fare share or complications and risks.

    This is because some forms of damage, even when professionally repaired, simply cannot be completely undone.

    Structural weaknesses will still exist, affecting how the car handles impact and force in future potential accidents.

  7. Water Damage Title Brand

    The aftermath of a major flood often reveals serious damage to the cars that survive them — damage ranging from mold and mildew within the car’s cabin to a waterlogged engine.

    Be wary of water damage title brands, even if you don’t like in a state prone to storms: sellers will travel across state borders in order to sell their flood-damaged cars.

  8. Hail Damage Title Brand

    A very common weather insurance claim, hail damage contributes to billions in property damage annually

    Hail damage can be severe enough to have a significant enough impact to warrant a hail damage title brand.

    When considering buying a used car, ask for a thorough inspection; repaired hail damage can be difficult to spot, but still have lasting effects on a vehicle.

What Happens If Your Title Is Branded?

flood damaged car

As stated earlier, a branded title is an indication that your car has issues with its odometer, suffered extensive damage, or has some defect that requires a recall from the manufacturer.

Once the branded title is issued, the problems with the vehicle are addressed and it’s ready to be sold.

Difficulties Of Selling A Car With A Branded Title

Selling a car with a branded title doesn’t come without its own set of challenges.

Although a car with a branded title might look fine, run better, and have a purchase price that’s an absolute steal, it’s in your best interest to consider the following before buying it:

  • Problems Reselling - Reselling your branded title car can cause its own set of obstacles. Prospective buyers may be turned off by the fact that the vehicle has a branded title.

    Furthermore, the resale value of the vehicle will likely be decreased significantly by the branded title.

  • Difficulty Financing - There are plenty of lenders who refuse to finance cars without clean titles.
  • Insurance Difficulties - Many insurers will not insure a car with a branded title.
  • Hidden Mechanical Issues - Any car with a branded title is fundamentally a mystery box of potential problems.

Just because the issues have been repaired, does not mean that the car's mechanisms or structure have not been compromised.

How To Sell A Car With A Branded Title

Selling your car with a branded title is difficult, but not impossible.

While there is apprehension from prospective buyers, the key to selling your branded car is doing everything in your power as a seller to alleviate any apprehension on the buyer’s part.

A few ways to do this are:

Provide A Vehicle History Report
A vehicle history report of your rebuilt car can put a buyer’s mind at ease. The report provides detailed information on any accidents the car has been in, the name of the mechanic that certified the vehicle, and which parts were replaced.

A vehicle history report gives buyers all the information they need to be confident in their purchase.

Provide Documented Repair Work
Having the paperwork detailing what repairs have been done on the car is another way of putting potential buyers of a branded title car at ease.

Not having that paperwork will likely set off a mental alarm for them. That can be seen as not being a reputable seller or that you’re trying to hide something from the buyer.

Sell At A Lower Price
Selling your vehicle with the branded title at a lower price is par for the course.

Branded title cars often require more work after they’re sold and are harder to insure, so the lower price offsets the future costs the buyer is going to take on.

How To Sell Your Branded Title Car To CarBrain

title signing

CarBrain exists as an online platform that makes selling a car with a branded title easy!

No longer do you have to list your branded car online and hope for someone to stumble upon your ad, only for them to back out at the last minute.

With CarBrain, all you have to do is

  1. Get a quote for your vehicle within 90 seconds by providing a few details about it. Our customer service representatives will assist you through the entirety of the process, ensuring that you are completely taken care of each step of the way.

  2. Once you accept the quote, they direct you to one of our partners within your local area. With them, you can schedule a FREE retrieval of your vehicle from wherever it is within 24-48 hours.

  3. Once the vehicle is hooked up, you get a check for the entire quoted amount in your hands. No haggle. No hassle. Just a branded title car off your hands and money in your pocket.

Contact CarBrain today and let us help you handle your car with the branded title!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Branded Title OK?

A branded title simply means that a car has suffered extensive damage, odometer issues, or has a defect that warrants a return to its manufacturer. A branded title car can be a steal, but beware of the potential issues that might make that type of investment a bad one.

What are the cons of a branded title?

The cons of a branded title are simply

  • Challenges finding financing.
  • Difficulty finding an insurance provider.
  • Unforseen mechanical problems.
  • Difficulty reselling.

These are the challenges you can expect to face when trying to sell a car with a branded title. Exploring your selling options and having your paperwork in order can help in overcoming these obstacles.

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